Friday, November 19, 2010

Teaching Heads Up Hockey: Silver Peewee Huskies

USA Hockey developed the Heads Up Hockey program to help players learn techniques to prevent major and minor head and neck injuries. You can print out the packet here:  USA Hockey Heads Up Hockey Packet

Here is a cut of NHL’s Ron Wilson’s opening statement that sums up beautifully the need for Heads Up Hockey training.

“My players are some of the best skaters in the world –
professional athletes in top physical and mental condition. I
think my job is a little easier than yours. Your players haven’t
yet developed their reflexes and skating skills to this level, and
don’t have the experience they need to
make smart on-the-fly judgments.”

Our children have to learn how to make decision to protect themselves or as he put it “smart on-the-fly-judgments.” Young players aren’t experienced NHL players. They are still learning to keep their head up and be aware. The Heads Up Hockey techniques often take the back seat to the young player looking down and concentrating on handling the puck. They are often more worried about scoring then protecting themselves. As parents, coaches and educators we need to prioritize the teaching of hockey skills. Heads Up Hockey should be taught right after they learn to skate and well before they play a contact game.

Heads Up Hockey is only valuable if it is used and taught. Here is the link to a video we recommend the parents and players of the Silver Peewee watch several times. Taking time to review Heads Up Hockey with your child will help them learn an important set of skills. Skills they don’t have or have not mastered. Skill that are probably more valuable than a goal.

Video Link:

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